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The First Lutheran Endowment Fund

Gold Ribbon

The Endowment Fund is used to support the mission of First Lutheran Church by enhancing benevolence and outreach on a local, synod, and world level through loans, grants, or other methods as set forth in the congregation's constitution guidelines.


​Only the interest and dividends of the invested contributions will be used to accomplish the mission and ministry objectives of the fund.  The fund income will be distributed among the following five mission and ministry objectives.

  1. To assist in meeting the education, training, or spiritual growth needs of the congregation.

  2. To make grants to institutions, agencies, and programs meeting the spiritual and/or economic needs of the community.

  3. To make grants to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) for its schools, colleges, seminaries, campus ministries, and church related camps.

  4. To make grants to the ministries of the ELCA, and/or the East Central Synod of Wisconsin for world missions, world hunger, educational ministries, TV/radio evangelism, professional leadership and ecumenism.

  5. To assist seminarians and other students in church-related studies.


To apply for a grant, download an application (click on the button below), complete and return to the church office for the Endowment Committee to consider.  Note that the committee meets quarterly. 


Gifts may be given to the endowment fund through bequests in wills, assignments of life insurance, charitable annuities, charitable remainder and other trust, assignment of certificates of deposit, and transfer of property (cash, securities, bonds, real estate).


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